Frequently asked questions.

Are colonics safe?

Yes, colonics are a gentle way of flushing waste out of the body to give it the right conditions to heal.
Therapists are certified professionals highly trained and experienced in the technique.

At glow inside & out we use the Dotolo close colonic machine.

The Dotolo has an inbuilt cleaning system that is used in between each client ensuring all treatments are sterilized and safe. Speculums and tubing packs used are all disposable for one use only. Clean linen is used for each colonic and before and after each colonic the bed and are all wiped down and cleaned with disinfectant. Our intent is to provide a safe and healthy service so that you do not have to worry.

How long does a colonic take?

The colonic procedure takes around 45 minutes on the table to help flush away the accumulated waste that has been stored over the years.

Will a colonic hurt?

Colonics should not be painful. However everyone’s bodies are different, and everyone’s experiences is different, depending on your levels of toxicity and blockages from waste in the colon you could experience some discomfort during the treatment. Others experience mild to moderate cramping (similar to that of a period pain or diarrhoea) which again goes away once the body releases the toxicity.

These symptoms will ease each time you have a treatment as the toxic load will be lessened.

After a treatment you should feel a lightness and a lot clearer in the head and some people experience improved energy straight after.

What will my first session be like?

At the beginning of the session, your therapist will discuss your personal detoxing and health goals, health history, explain the treatment and address any concerns or questions you might have. When you are comfortable, the session will begin and your therapist will guide you through your first colonic. This will consist of the insertion (which just feels a bit of pressure, nothing unpleasant), then you will roll onto your back with your knees bent and be completely covered up for privacy. The therapist will then turn on the water, and facilitate the fills and releases of water with you to slowly and gently loosen the compacted waste matter in your colon and allow your body to release it. You will be able to view everything that comes out of your colon. Once you have finished your treatment, the water will be turned off, the speculum carefully removed, you will regain muscle control of the rectum (you will not poo yourself on the table) and you will go straight to sit on the toilet to let gravity do the rest. Once you are finished, you will get dressed and your therapist will discuss their recommendations and treatment plan with you before you go on your way.

What’s the different between a colonic and a enema?

A colonic can reach the whole way through the colon. Its a deep colon cleanse with warm purified water

A enema will reach into the lower descending colon and therapeutic blends have different benefits pending your health goals.

At home enemas are a great support between your colonic appointments or if you're needing relief at home.

How do I prepare for a colonic?

Here are a few simple steps we recommend when preparing or your colonic.

Arrive 15 minutes before your procedure to allow time to fill in any forms and get relaxed.

In the days leading to your appointment, increase your water intake and stay well hydrated the day off your colonic. This will soften your stool and ensure a relaxed and comfortable colonic.

Follow a healthy diet on those days as well. Avoid greasy and processed food. Food such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, onions, brussel sprouts and carbonated beverages can cause excess gas and make your procedure uncomfortable. Go for fruits, vegetables, lean proteins such as fish, chicken and whole grains, foods easy to digest.

Keep taking your usual medications.

let us know if you are severely constipated and when your last bowel movement accrued.

Wear loose and comfortable clothing.

Do you provide a tummy massage during the colonic?

Yes we do, Tummy Massage encourages the removal of waste from the colon and helps with muscular action.

Do i still need a colonic if I go to the toilet every day?

Yes! We should have around 2-3 bowel movements per day with ease. Do you know even if we are going to the toilet every day, we have anywhere from 4kg- 10kg of waste sitting in our colon.

We are at risk of toxicity overload which can affect us mentally and physically. The high level of toxicity present in our environments from overuse of toxic chemicals in food and other products, Colonics gives your body the chance to detox from the processed foods, msg, sugars, other chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis by flushing the colon completely.  Colonics also help to detoxify the liver, bloodstream, kidneys while providing a release for the mind, body and soul.

How will I expect to feel after a colonic?

Everyone’s experience is different however for the most part, you should feel amazing. You should feel lighter, refreshed, relaxed and have a better sense of inner balance.

If you are very compacted, you may need several sessions back to back to truly empty your colon.

After your first session when there is still quite a bit in there or depending on the level of toxicity in the body you may feel a bit sick after which just means your body truly needs this and you should try to come back as soon as possible to flush everything out.

Can i have a colonic on my period?

Yes, of course you can. This is actually a great time for a colonic as your body is already detoxing through your monthly flow and you may be feeling tired, bloated or irritable which a colonic will help

Can i workout or go for a walk after my colonic?

Yes, going for a walk afterwards is ok. However, we recommend gentle exercise nothing to impactful, each colonic is different, if your body has had a big toxin release you may want to relax afterwards.

Can I have a colonic when i am pregnant?

With everything during pregnancy, there is a risk, however after the first trimester, it is considered safe and a lot of women do have colonics whilst pregnant with great results.

If you feel colonics during your pregnancy would be beneficial or if you are constipated and uncomfortable, please contact us and we can see if this is the best option for you.

Is there anything I should avoid after my colonic?

Its recommended avoiding greasy, sugary, spicy and other heavy foods directly after a colonic is best. Drink lots of water, take a probiotic and allow your body to rest if required. Alcohol should be avoided after a colonic as the colon, liver and bloodstream have just been cleansed and it will go straight into your system and effect you extremely quickly.

Do colonics remove good and bad bacteria?

The good and the bad bacteria are removed during a colonic, However, if you are overloaded with toxic matter and parasites which most people are if not having regular cleanses, the flushing out of the bad helps the good to replenish more easily and prolifically and the balancing of both is essential in your bowel for optimal gut health.

It is recommended taking a good probiotic after your treatment as it will help replenish the good bacteria needed to keep the colon happy. We provide probiotics after each treatment.

Will having colonics make my bowel lazy or reliant on them?

No, Colonics can be done as regularly as you like. and are a fantastic way to maintain good health. actually, colonics increase colon muscle tone and peristalsis.

Will a therapist be with me during the procedure?

Yes, your therapist will be with you at all times.

Are there any side effects?

Sometimes, you may have a headache, nausea, belly ache or emotional release after a treatment. Drinking plenty of water after the treatment to flush away toxins is highly recommended if you experience any of these.

How many colonics will I need?

This is a common question and there is no perfect number. It all depends on the individual. Depending on the reasons you are having a colonic, treatment will vary person to person. Only you will know when you have reached a happy place with your sessions. This may be 3 sessions, this may be 23,

We do recommend however many colonics you choose as close together as possible. This is the most effective treatment plan, and as experienced professionals, this is truly when the magic happens.

What contradictions may prevent me from having a colonic?

A contradiction is any indication or symptom that makes it inadvisable to use a particular therapy. The following are contradictions for colon hydrotherapy. If any of these apply to you, you may not be eligible for colon hydrotherapy sessions at the present time. If you have any of these contradictions, you may still be eligible to receive colon hydrotherapy once they have subsided or been eliminated.

If any of these apply to you please call us in the clinic before booking an appointment

  • Anal Fissure/ Fistula (a tear in the colon)

  • Abdominal Surgery (Please call us to discuss)

  • Severe Anemia

  • Aneurism

  • Cirrhosis

  • Colon Cancer

  • Epilepsy or psychoses

  • Renal Insufficiency

  • Tumor in the Rectum or Large Intestine

  • Crohn’s Disease (in the acute inflammatory or bleeding stages)

  • GI Haemmorhage/Perforation

  • Haemorrhoids (severe or bleeding)

  • Rectal Bleeding (except for minor Haemorrhoids)

  • Colon Surgery (less than 6 months ago)

  • Ulcerative Colitis

  • Hernia (Abdominal/Inguinal)

  • Kidney Dialysis

  • Lupus

  • Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis

  • Cardiac Disease (Severe, Uncontrolled Hypertension, or Congestive Heart Failure)